Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Package

Packages that use oracle.ide.compiler
oracle.ide.compiler Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE build system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.compiler Contains classes that allow addins to integrate their own build system translator. 

Classes in oracle.ide.compiler used by oracle.ide.compiler
          BuildSystemListener instances are objects created by BuildSystem clients and used by the BuildSystem as a callback mechanism to allow clients to integrate pre-build & post-build operations.
          BuildSystemVetoException exception is thrown when an BuildSystemListener vetos a build change.
          The Compiler interface provides the API to drive the actual build system.
          CopyListener instances are objects created by BuildSystem/CopyTranslator clients and used by the BuildSystem CopyTranslator part as a callback mechanism to allow clients to copy the resource file themselves or change the output name/path, or prevent a particular file from being copied or ...
          The PostBuilder interface provides the API to define a method to be called once compile() is being completed in the background

Classes in oracle.ide.compiler used by oracle.jdeveloper.compiler
          BuildSystemListener instances are objects created by BuildSystem clients and used by the BuildSystem as a callback mechanism to allow clients to integrate pre-build & post-build operations.
          The Compiler interface provides the API to drive the actual build system.
          CopyListener instances are objects created by BuildSystem/CopyTranslator clients and used by the BuildSystem CopyTranslator part as a callback mechanism to allow clients to copy the resource file themselves or change the output name/path, or prevent a particular file from being copied or ...
          The PostBuilder interface provides the API to define a method to be called once compile() is being completed in the background

Extension SDK


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