Extension SDK 10.1.2

Class VetoableMessage

  extended byoracle.ide.addin.Message
      extended byoracle.ide.addin.VetoableMessage

public class VetoableMessage
extends Message

The VetoableMessage class is the vetoable message send to an VetoObserver to notify it about an impending VetoableSubject change.

This class also defines a set of constants identifying specific changes, such as:

See Also:
VetoObserver, VetoableSubject

Field Summary
static int CAN_ADD_CHILD
          Indicates that children are about to be added to a folder object.
          Indiates that the object is about to be closed.
          Indicates that children of a folder object is about to be removed.
          Indicates the child is about to be renamed.
Fields inherited from class oracle.ide.addin.Message
add, COMMAND_ID_PROP, container, context, messageID, messageProperties, modify, origin, remove
Constructor Summary
VetoableMessage(int messageID, java.lang.Object origin)
          Constructs an update message of the specified message id.
Method Summary
static void fireCanAddChild(VetoableSubject subject, java.lang.Object element)
          This method sends an VetoableMessage whose ID is CAN_ADD_CHILD to all Observers of the specified Subject.
static void fireCanAddChildren(VetoableSubject subject, java.util.Collection childElements)
          This method sends an VetoableMessage whose ID is CAN_ADD_CHILD to all Observers of the specified Subject.
static void fireCanRemoveChild(VetoableSubject subject, java.lang.Object element)
          This method sends an VetoableMessage whose ID is CAN_REMOVE_CHILD to all Observers of the specified VetoableSubject.
static void fireCanRemoveChildren(VetoableSubject subject, java.util.Collection childElements)
          This method sends an VetoableMessage whose ID is CAN_REMOVE_CHILD to all Observers of the specified VetoableSubject.
static void fireCanRenameChild(VetoableSubject subject, java.lang.Object child)
          This method sends an VetoableMessage whose ID is CAN_RENAME_CHILD to all Observers of the specified VetoableSubject.
static int getUniqueMessageID()
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.addin.Message
getAddObjects, getContext, getExtraData, getMessageID, getModifyObjects, getOrigin, getProperty, getRemoveObjects, setContext, setExtraData, setProperty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int CAN_REMOVE_CHILD
Indicates that children of a folder object is about to be removed. The suject of the message is the container that owns the child.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CAN_ADD_CHILD
Indicates that children are about to be added to a folder object. The suject of the message is the container that owns the child.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CAN_RENAME_CHILD
Indicates the child is about to be renamed. The suject of the message is the object about to be renamed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CAN_CLOSE_OBJECT
Indiates that the object is about to be closed. The suject of the message is the object about to be closed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public VetoableMessage(int messageID,
                       java.lang.Object origin)
Constructs an update message of the specified message id.

origin - the Object which originated this message. Usually an Observer.
messageID - the message identifier.
Method Detail


public static int getUniqueMessageID()


public static void fireCanAddChild(VetoableSubject subject,
                                   java.lang.Object element)
                            throws ChangeVetoException
This method sends an VetoableMessage whose ID is CAN_ADD_CHILD to all Observers of the specified Subject. The specified Element is the content of the "add objects" of the message.

subject - The Subject whose Observers are to be notified.
element - The that makes up the "add objects" content of the message.


public static void fireCanAddChildren(VetoableSubject subject,
                                      java.util.Collection childElements)
                               throws ChangeVetoException
This method sends an VetoableMessage whose ID is CAN_ADD_CHILD to all Observers of the specified Subject. The specified Collection of Element instances is the content of the "add objects" of the message.

subject - The Subject whose Observers are to be notified.
childElements - The Collection of Element instances that make up the "add objects" of the message.


public static void fireCanRemoveChild(VetoableSubject subject,
                                      java.lang.Object element)
                               throws ChangeVetoException
This method sends an VetoableMessage whose ID is CAN_REMOVE_CHILD to all Observers of the specified VetoableSubject. The specified Element is the content of the "remove objects" of the message.

subject - The VetoableSubject whose Observers are to be notified.
element - The Element that makes up the "remove objects" content of the message.


public static void fireCanRemoveChildren(VetoableSubject subject,
                                         java.util.Collection childElements)
                                  throws ChangeVetoException
This method sends an VetoableMessage whose ID is CAN_REMOVE_CHILD to all Observers of the specified VetoableSubject. The specified Collection of Element instances is the content of the "remove objects" of the message.

subject - The VetoableSubject whose Observers are to be notified.
childElements - The Collection of Element instances that make up the "remove objects" of the message.


public static void fireCanRenameChild(VetoableSubject subject,
                                      java.lang.Object child)
                               throws ChangeVetoException
This method sends an VetoableMessage whose ID is CAN_RENAME_CHILD to all Observers of the specified VetoableSubject.

subject - The VetoableSubject whose Observers are to be notified.
child - The child about to be renamed.

Extension SDK


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