Extension SDK 10.1.2

Interface StatusProvider

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public interface StatusProvider

The StatusProvider interface is the means by which an object may supply custom StatusBar cells for use within a shared StatusBar instance. The typical usage would be for an implentation of View to additionally implement StatusProvider such that its custom cells would appear in the StatusBar of the MainWindow whenever that View itself was the active View.

Method Summary
 javax.swing.JComponent[] getCustomCells()
          Get an array of custom cells to add to a StatusBar.
 boolean isExpandable(javax.swing.JComponent customCell)
          Determine whether the given custom cell should expand to fill any extra space beyond its minimum requirements.

Method Detail


public javax.swing.JComponent[] getCustomCells()
Get an array of custom cells to add to a StatusBar. The cells will be added to the StatusBar in the same order as they appear in the resulting array.

an ordered array of custom status cells or null
See Also:


public boolean isExpandable(javax.swing.JComponent customCell)
Determine whether the given custom cell should expand to fill any extra space beyond its minimum requirements.

true if customCell should expand to fill extra space.
See Also:

Extension SDK


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