Extension SDK 10.1.2

Interface Extension

All Superinterfaces:
Addin, Module
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Extension
extends Addin

The Extension interface is one of the interfaces extension writers use to add functionality to the IDE.

In general, you implement this interface in order enable your extension to be dynamiclly loaded and unloaded by the extension manager.

The deinitalize() method is called by the extension manager when the extension is to be unloaded. It is in this method where your menu de-registration should take place.

In order for the IDE to know about your Extension implementation you need to package your classes in a jar file as explained in the file jdev\lib\ext\README.txt.

Method Summary
 boolean canDeInitialize()
          Enables the extension to inform the extension manager that it can't be de-initialized (dynamically unloaded).
 boolean canInitialize()
          Can the extension be initialized
 void deInitialize()
          Invoked by the AddinManager when the extension is to be de-initialized (dynamically unloaded).
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.addin.Addin
canShutdown, ideVersion, initialize, shutdown, version

Method Detail


public boolean canInitialize()
Can the extension be initialized

trueif the extension can be initialized; false if the extension can't be initialized


public void deInitialize()
Invoked by the AddinManager when the extension is to be de-initialized (dynamically unloaded). When invoked, the Extension should de-register menu items etc.


public boolean canDeInitialize()
Enables the extension to inform the extension manager that it can't be de-initialized (dynamically unloaded).

true if the extension can be de-initialized (dynamically unloaded) false if the extension can't be de-initialized (dynamically unloaded).

Extension SDK


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