Customizing Graph Style in ADF-Enabled Web Pages

At any time after creating a graph in an ADF-enabled web page, you can change the graph properties using the design-time facilities of the Graph Editor. For example, you may want the graph to display in a different graph type or graph style.

To edit an existing graph component:

  1. In the Application Navigator, select graph types toolbar icon <BIGraphDefx.xml> below the web application project containing the graph component.

  2. Right-click and choose Edit from the context menu.
    The graph component displays in the Graph Editor.

    Note: The Graph Editor displays a visual representation of the databound graph using psuedo-data not actual data.

  3. Select either the graph types toolbar icon Graph Type or format graph icon Format Graph buttons from the Graph Editor's toolbar.

  4. If you selected the graph types toolbar icon Graph Type button, you can select another graph type to display the data or change the graph's appearance or style. Click the appropriate tab to display its related settings.

  5. If you select the format graph icon Format Graph button, you can change the graph's titles, legend, plot area, and X- and Y-Axis settings. Click the appropriate tab to display its related settings.

    For detailed help about any of these settings, press F1 or click Help within the dialog.

  6. You can also edit the graph's properties by selecting an element in the Structure window and double-clicking to display its property settings in the Property Inspector.

Note: If an error message displays about insufficient data, select another graph type as the data model you specified does not contain enough data columns to render the graph. For example, line graphs require more than one data column. See Choosing a Graph Type in ADF-Enabled Web Pages.

About Graph Support in ADF Applications
About Graph Files in ADF Applications
About Graphs and the Business Services Data Model

Choosing a Graph Type in ADF-Enabled Web Pages
Creating Graphs in ADF-Enabled Web Pages
Changing Graph Data in ADF-Enabled Web Pages


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