Changing Graph Data in ADF-Enabled Web Pages

At any time after creating a graph in an ADF-enabled web page, you may decide to display other data in the graph. The Customize Graph Binding editor lets you select another data collection for the graph. However, if the data collection belongs in another data model, you'll need to create a new databound graph.

To change the graph data:

  1. In the Application Navigator, select < UIModel.xml> below the web application project containing the graph component.
    This file contains the graph's data binding information.

    The data model for the graph is displayed in the Structure window.

  2. Select a data source and click the Edit link in the Properties dialog.

  3. The Customize Graph Binding editor is displayed from which you can select another data source, series column, and data column(s).

    For detailed help about any of these settings, press F1 or click Help within the dialog.

  4. Save your changes.

  5. To display the results, select the appropriate graph_types_toolbar_icon <BIGraphDefx.xml> graph properties file in the Application Navigator.

  6. Right-click and choose Edit from the context menu. The graph component displays in the Graph Editor.

    The Graph Editor displays a visual representation of the databound graph using pseudo-data, not actual data.

About Graph Support in ADF Applications
About Graph Files in ADF Applications
About Graphs and the Business Services Data Model

Choosing a Graph Type in ADF-Enabled Web Pages
Creating Graphs in ADF-Enabled Web Pages
Customizing Graph Style in ADF-Enabled Web Pages


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