Removing Unused Bindings from the ADF Bindings Definition

When you remove a binding expression from a web page that you have already created with the Data Control Palette, it is necessary to also delete the binding from the document's binding definition file ( UIModel.xml). You may also want to delete unused iterator bindings that were created while using the ADF binding editors (see warning below).

Note: In the case of JClient applications, it is not necessary to remove bindings when you delete a UI component from the panel or form. JDeveloper removes the binding definition for you.

To remove unused bindings from the binding definition file:

  1. With the document open in the Visual Editor, choose View | Structure to display the Structure window.

  2. Click UI Model tab icon (UI Model) in the Structure window toolbar and expand the node to display the list of bindings.

  3. Select the node for the databound UI component's binding.

  4. Right-click the binding and choose Delete .


Be careful when deleting iterator bindings from your client document's binding definition. You should first ensure no value or action bindings reference the iterator you want to delete. You can verify whether or not an iterator binding is referenced by double-clicking each binding in the UI Model view of the client document and viewing the binding editor. The displayed binding editor shows the referenced iterator in the Select an Iterator dropdown.

If you decide to delete an iterator binding, it may be easiest to also delete the corresponding value and action bindings and begin again to design your client document.

Alternatively, when an iterator binding is referenced by a value or action binding that you wish to keep, you can keep the iterator and merely change its definition. See Editing Iterator Binding References in the ADF Clients for details.

About the Oracle ADF Bindings
Creating ADF Bindings in the Structure Window


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