Editing Iterator Binding References in the ADF Client

When you change the data collection definition for an existing iterator binding editor, your web pages will contain invalid references to the original iterator's collection. You must edit the UI Model binding definitions and the reference to those bindings within the web page's source.

To change iterator binding usages:

  1. With the document open in the Visual Editor, choose View | Structure to display the Structure window.

  2. Click UI Model tab icon (UI Model) in the Structure window toolbar and expand the node to display the list of bindings.

  3. Right-click the binding and choose Edit.

    The binding editor will display the previously selected iterator's newly defined collection.

  4. Use the binding editor to select the desired business object based on the new collection and click OK.

    Take note of the name of the attribute you select. The attribute name will become this binding definition's new id.

  5. With the same binding still selected in the list of bindings, choose View | Property Inspector.

  6. In the Property Inspector, edit the id of the binding so it shows the same name as the attribute you selected in the binding editor.

  7. Repeat this procedure for each binding in the UI model that references the iterator binding.

To edit the binding references in the web page:

  1. Open the web page in the Source code editor, and locate the expressions that reference the bindings you just edited.

  2. Edit the expression, such as this, to reference the new binding id you specified:

    <c:out value="${bindings.OldValueBindingName}"/>

    AND, edit the HTML elements which do not use expressions, for example:

    <html:text property="OldValueBindingName"/>

About the Oracle ADF Bindings
Removing Unused Bindings from the Binding Definition File
Creating ADF Bindings in the Structure Window


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