Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Uses of Interface

Packages that use JUDefaultControlInterface
oracle.jbo.uicli.controls Contains classes that implement JClient controls  
oracle.jbo.uicli.jui Contains JClient classes that implement binding of Swing controls with BC4J ViewObject, Attributes or Rows. 

Uses of JUDefaultControlInterface in oracle.jbo.uicli.controls

Classes in oracle.jbo.uicli.controls that implement JUDefaultControlInterface
 class JUArrayComboBox
          Extends a JComboBox to display data from a BC4J Array domain.
 class JUImageControl
          Implements a data-aware Image Control.

Uses of JUDefaultControlInterface in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui

Methods in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui with parameters of type JUDefaultControlInterface
static JUDefaultControlBinding JUDefaultControlBinding.createAttributeBinding(JUFormBinding formBinding, JUDefaultControlInterface control, java.lang.String voInstanceName, java.lang.String voIterName, java.lang.String voIterBindingName, java.lang.String attrName)
          Creates an instance of this binding based on the given binding information.
static JUDefaultControlBinding JUDefaultControlBinding.getInstance(JUFormBinding formBinding, JUDefaultControlInterface control, java.lang.String voInstanceName, java.lang.String voIterName, java.lang.String voIterBindingName, java.lang.String attrName)
          Deprecated. since 9.0.2 use createAttributeBinding() instead.

Constructors in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui with parameters of type JUDefaultControlInterface
JUDefaultControlBinding(JUDefaultControlInterface control, JUIteratorBinding iterBinding, java.lang.String attrName)
          This constructor should be used in controls/subclasses to pass the binding information.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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