Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Uses of Class

Packages that use DataWebBeanImpl
oracle.jbo.html.databeans Contains implementation classes for predefined Web-enabled JavaBeans which can access and display data from the data source. 

Uses of DataWebBeanImpl in oracle.jbo.html.databeans

Subclasses of DataWebBeanImpl in oracle.jbo.html.databeans
 class BaseNavigatorBar
 class ChartRenderer
          Deprecated. Please use Graph Tag
 class EditCurrentRecord
          The EditCurrentRecord Data Web Bean edits the current record of a View Object's RowSet.
 class FindForm
          The FindForm Data Web Bean generates a search form.
 class JSLOV
 class JSNavigatorBar
 class NavigatorBar
          The NavigatorBar Data Web Bean renders itself as an Oracle toolbar.
 class RowSetBrowser
          The RowSetBrowser Data Web Bean class dynamically generates an HTML table that contains records (rows) from a View Object's RowSet.
 class RowsetNavigator
          The RowsetNavigator Data Web Bean changes the current record of a View Object's RowSet to a new record.
 class ViewCurrentRecord
          The ViewCurrentRecord Data Web Bean displays a read-only version of the current record of a View Object's RowSet.
 class XmlData
          The XmlData class renders a canonical XML representation for the rows of an oracle.jbo.RowSet.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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