Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Class FileDiagnosticImpl

  extended byoracle.jbo.common.FileDiagnosticImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
IDiagnostic, IDiagnostic2

public class FileDiagnosticImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements IDiagnostic, IDiagnostic2

A Diagnostic implementation that routes output to a file.

The factory implementation allows the shortcut "file" for this implementation. It creates a unique file in the (system dependent) TEMP location, and writes all diagnostic output to it.

This class may be used with JDeveloper 9.0.2, in which case the special shortname isn't available: to use this class you should set * jbo.debugoutput to the value oracle.jbo.common.FileDiagnosticImpl

This class is instantiated in DiagonsticFactory#createDiagnostic().

Jdeveloper 9.0.3

Field Summary
static java.lang.String LOGFILE_PREFIX
static java.lang.String LOGFILE_SUFFIX
Constructor Summary
          Creates an instance.
Method Summary
 void initialized(java.lang.String reason)
          Called to signal initialization of Diagnostic.
 void print(java.lang.String message)
          Displays a message in the console.
 void println(java.lang.String message)
          Prints a trace message and terminates the line.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Produces a textual description of this diagnostic service.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String LOGFILE_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LOGFILE_SUFFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public FileDiagnosticImpl()
Creates an instance.

Method Detail


public void print(java.lang.String message)
Displays a message in the console.

Specified by:
print in interface IDiagnostic
message - the message to be printed.


public void println(java.lang.String message)
Description copied from interface: IDiagnostic
Prints a trace message and terminates the line.

Specified by:
println in interface IDiagnostic
message - the text to be printed.


public void initialized(java.lang.String reason)
Description copied from interface: IDiagnostic2
Called to signal initialization of Diagnostic.

Specified by:
initialized in interface IDiagnostic2
reason - describes the reason for initialization.


public java.lang.String toString()
Produces a textual description of this diagnostic service.

Specified by:
toString in interface IDiagnostic
a status string.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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