Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Class Diagnostic

  extended byoracle.jbo.common.Diagnostic

public final class Diagnostic
extends java.lang.Object

The Diagnostic class contains static tracing methods. It uses an implementation of the IDiagnostic interface to perform output. The implementation chosen can be controlled via command line parameters or properties inside the file /oracle/jbo/common/

See the distributed version of this file in {JDEVELOPER_HOME}/lib/ for detailed documentation about the available options for controlling the appearance of trace messages.

Note that all the public functions are declared as static void: this is so that versions of the code could be produced which remove these calls at compile time.

This class cannot be directly instantiated.

JDeveloper 2.0
See Also:

Method Summary
static void ASSERT(boolean test)
          Conditionally raises an exception.
static void ASSERT(boolean test, java.lang.String message)
          Conditionally prints a warning method and raises an exception.
static void ASSERT(boolean test, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Object[] param)
          Conditionally prints a warning method.
static IDiagnostic getInstance()
          Returns the IDiagnostic instance.
static void init(java.lang.String reason)
          initializer that looks at the values of properties in, and sets static state flags that control the details of the trace line
static boolean isOn()
static boolean isStopOnAssert()
          Programmatic entrypoint to control program flow if an assertion fails.
static void print(java.lang.String message)
          print a trace line to the diagnostic stream at the default diagnostic level.
static void print(java.lang.String message, int level)
          print a trace line to the diagnostic stream, at the diagnostic level indicated.
static void println(java.lang.String message)
          Prints a trace message line to the diagnostic device.
static void println(java.lang.StringBuffer message)
          Prints a trace message line to the diagnostic device.
static void println(java.lang.String message, int level)
          print a trace line to the diagnostic stream, at the diagnostic level indicated, and terminate it.
static void printStackTrace()
          Prints a stack trace for the current environment.
static void printStackTrace(java.lang.Throwable ex)
          Prints a stack trace for an exception.
static void setQuiet(boolean b)
          Disables and enables the printing of diagnostic messages.
static void setStopOnAssert(boolean b)
          Programmatic entrypoint to control program flow if an assertion fails.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static IDiagnostic getInstance()
Returns the IDiagnostic instance.


public static void init(java.lang.String reason)
initializer that looks at the values of properties in, and sets static state flags that control the details of the trace line


public static void print(java.lang.String message,
                         int level)
print a trace line to the diagnostic stream, at the diagnostic level indicated.

message - the text of the message
level - the trace level to be associated with this message


public static void print(java.lang.String message)
print a trace line to the diagnostic stream at the default diagnostic level.

message - the message to print
See Also:


public static void println(java.lang.String message,
                           int level)
print a trace line to the diagnostic stream, at the diagnostic level indicated, and terminate it.

message - the text of the message
level - the trace level to be associated with this message


public static void println(java.lang.String message)
Prints a trace message line to the diagnostic device.

message - the text to be printed.


public static void println(java.lang.StringBuffer message)
Prints a trace message line to the diagnostic device.

message - the text to be printed.


public static void ASSERT(boolean test,
                          java.lang.String msg,
                          java.lang.Object[] param)
Conditionally prints a warning method.

The message is constructed from a format string and an array of parameters. An exception is raised if enabled by setStopOnAssert().

test - the result of the test being asserted.
param - the array of message parameters.
JboAssert - if test is true.


public static void ASSERT(boolean test,
                          java.lang.String message)
Conditionally prints a warning method and raises an exception.

An exception is raised if enabled by setStopOnAssert().

test - the result of the test being asserted.
message - the message.
JboAssert - if test is true.


public static void ASSERT(boolean test)
Conditionally raises an exception.

An exception is raised if enabled by setStopOnAssert().

test - the result of the test being asserted.
JboAssert - if test is true.


public static boolean isOn()


public static void setQuiet(boolean b)
Disables and enables the printing of diagnostic messages.

b - if false (the default) diagnostic messages are printed, if true, diagnostic messages are suppressed.


public static void setStopOnAssert(boolean b)
Programmatic entrypoint to control program flow if an assertion fails. If it is set to true, then BC4J clients will receive an exception if an ASSERT() fails, otherwise a trace message is printed.

b - exception throw mode true or false
See Also:


public static boolean isStopOnAssert()
Programmatic entrypoint to control program flow if an assertion fails. If it is set to true, then BC4J clients will receive an exception if an ASSERT() fails, otherwise a trace message is printed.

See Also:


public static void printStackTrace()
Prints a stack trace for the current environment.


public static void printStackTrace(java.lang.Throwable ex)
Prints a stack trace for an exception.

ex - the exception to be traced.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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