Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Uses of Interface

Packages that use JboContext
oracle.jbo.common Contains the implementation of components shared by thin clients and the middle tier. 
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 

Uses of JboContext in oracle.jbo.client.remote.corba

Constructors in oracle.jbo.client.remote.corba with parameters of type JboContext
CORBAApplicationModuleHomeImpl(JboContext ctx)

Uses of JboContext in oracle.jbo.client.remote.ejb

Constructors in oracle.jbo.client.remote.ejb with parameters of type JboContext
AbstractApplicationModuleHomeImpl(JboContext ctx, java.lang.String beanJndiName)

Uses of JboContext in oracle.jbo.common

Classes in oracle.jbo.common that implement JboContext
 class JboInitialContext
          Internal: Applications should not use this class.

Methods in oracle.jbo.common that return JboContext
 JboContext JboHome.getParentContext()

Constructors in oracle.jbo.common with parameters of type JboContext
JboHome(JboContext ctx)

Uses of JboContext in oracle.jbo.server

Classes in oracle.jbo.server that implement JboContext
 class InitialContextImpl
          Internal: Applications should not use this class.

Uses of JboContext in oracle.jbo.server.remote.colo

Classes in oracle.jbo.server.remote.colo that implement JboContext
 class ColoInitialContext

Constructors in oracle.jbo.server.remote.colo with parameters of type JboContext
ColoApplicationModuleHomeImpl(JboContext ctx, java.lang.String publishedName)

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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