Re: additional client classes not compiled

From: Fabian Ritzmann <Fabian.Ritzmann_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 20:42:28 +0200

Jitendra Kotamraju wrote:
>>> Is MyClass extending from TestCase ?
>> No, it's extending an abstract base class from JAX-WS. According to
>> the user manual, you can drop arbitrary Java code into the client dir.
> No, it has to be a junit testcase. If the doc is incorrect, we should
> update it.

Ouch, that explains it all. I believe I remember the wrong piece of
documentation, I'll try to fix it some time.

So I'd like to implement a Container so that I can test the resource
loader. Do I just put the entire test in the JUnit test case and not
write any BeanShell script at all?

>>> Everything on your side looks good. We have few tests that have
>>> java based clients. Can you try them ?
>>> (for e.g.: server/misc/client , mtom/tcktest/client etc)
>> Will check them out next week. In what repository can I find them?
> jax-ws-sources/jaxws-unit



Fabian Ritzmann
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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02600 Espoo                      Email Fabian.Ritzmann_at_Sun.COM