> Yes, or even proxy, if MEX has a WSDL that describes the wire-format.
Yes, even simpler. My first thought was just Dispatch since I want to
get an xml doc back and have done it that way before.
> Sending a stock request is a fairly common thing to do, so if it's too
> hard, then that's a problem we should fix in JAXB/WS. About SOAP version
> difference, I thought JAX-WS would shield you from that.
Until the mex request is completed, you don't know which version of soap
the endpoint uses, so there's nothing that jax-ws could do for me. The
mex client code tries a soap 1.2 request first; if that fails, it tries
soap 1.1 (if that fails too, it tries adding "/mex" to the address and
tries them both again (if that fails too too, wsimport tries the ?wsdl
address)). The MS model is similar, except that they don't try soap 1.1
by default.
> OK. This is still a requirement, right? Letting you deploy a servlet is
> a bit more work.
Yep, sorry.
I have a related question. When the client code is generated in local
transport, I assume wsimport is just passed a local copy of the wsdl.
For http transport, I think you use the AbstractHttpApplication class to
get info like the wsdl address. Can we change it so that "?wsdl" is not
appended to the address? That way mex will be used (or attempted) when
creating the client bits.