Build failed in Hudson: jaxws-test-harness #384

From: Hudson <>
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 15:50:59 -0700 (PDT)

See http://kohsuke.sfbay/hudson/job/jaxws-test-harness/384/

Building remotely on wssqe23
$ ssh wssqe23 /files/hudson/bin/slave "/files/hudson/workspace" -- cvs -Q -z9 -d :pserver:kohsuke_at_java-net-cvs:/cvs co -d jaxws-test-harness ws-test-harness/test-harness

$ computing changelog
cvs server: Logging .
cvs server: Logging GFDeployer
cvs server: Logging GFDeployer/lib
cvs server: Logging GFDeployer/nbproject
cvs server: Logging GFDeployer/nbproject/private
cvs server: Logging GFDeployer/src
cvs server: Logging GFDeployer/src/META-INF
cvs server: Logging GFDeployer/src/gfdeployer
cvs server: Logging GFDeployer/test
cvs server: Logging JellyTest
cvs server: Logging JellyTest/nbproject
cvs server: Logging JellyTest/src
cvs server: Logging JellyTest/src/jellytest
cvs server: Logging bootstrap
cvs server: Logging bootstrap/src
cvs server: Logging bootstrap/src/com
cvs server: Logging bootstrap/src/com/sun
cvs server: Logging bootstrap/src/com/sun/xml
cvs server: Logging bootstrap/src/com/sun/xml/ws
cvs server: Logging bootstrap/src/com/sun/xml/ws/test
cvs server: Logging docs
cvs server: Logging docs/lib
cvs server: Logging docs/src
cvs server: Logging lib
cvs server: Logging lib/gf
cvs server: Logging lib/licenses
cvs server: Logging nbproject
cvs server: Logging src
cvs server: Logging src/com
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/client
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/container
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/container/cargo
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/container/cargo/gf
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/container/gf
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/container/invm
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/container/jelly
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/container/local
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/container/local/jelly
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/exec
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/model
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/tool
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/util
cvs server: Logging src/com/sun/xml/ws/test/wsimport
cvs server: Logging test
cvs server: Logging test/testcases
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/jaxws
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/jaxws/fromjava
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/jaxws/fromjava/server
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/jaxws/fromwsdl
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/jaxws/fromwsdl/server
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/jaxws/mtom
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/jaxws/mtom/resources
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/jaxws/twoServices
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/wsrm
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/wsrm/roundtrip
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/wsrm/roundtrip/server
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/wsrm/secureroundtrip
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/wsrm/secureroundtrip/resources
cvs server: Logging test/testcases/wsrm/secureroundtrip/server

Removing artifacts from the previous build
$ ssh wssqe23 /files/hudson/bin/slave "/files/hudson/workspace/jaxws-test-harness" JOB_NAME jaxws-test-harness BUILD_NUMBER 384 BUILD_TAG hudson-jaxws-test-harness-384 BUILD_ID 2006-10-14_15-50-11 -- /bin/bash -xe /files/hudson/workspace/jaxws-test-harness/hudson95867sh
+ ant clean test
Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.
  We cannot execute /files/hudson/tools/java/bin/java

Recording fingerprints
No test report files were found. Configuration error?
Test reports were found but none of them are new. Did tests run?