Harness Outstanding Issues

From: Ken Hofsass <Kenneth.Hofsass_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 08:58:34 -0700

I mistakenly sent this to dev_at_wsit rather than dev_at_ws-test-harness
yesterday... resending in case you're not all on that one.


attached mail follows:

*** Recently resolved issues ***
1. flag for marking tests specific to a given transport (e.g. http)
Kohsuke added attribute to test descriptor

2. STS support for Trust/SC
Bhakti finished harness-side work. Jiandong to make minor change to
Trust/SC code (URI vs URL)

3. EndpointAddress for dispatch testing
Ken - now '<portname>'Address will be injected into the script namespace
for each available port

*** Open issues ***
1. harness-libs.jar -- needs to have license files added for 3rd party libs
Ken to add text files

2. confirm dispatch support provides required functionality
Ken will check with Kathy

3. handler support
Needs discussion

4. standalone servlet deployment for mex
Needs discussion

5. resolve current wsit-e2e-local test failures
trust/SC tests use 256-bit encryption, not supported by default JDK
setup... Bhakti requested Jiandong, et al to change tests to use 128bit
to avoid special setup

6. Glassfish
Kohsuke has been running into yet more difficulties automating GF from
within the harness

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