Re: Dispatch and new test harness

From: kathy walsh <Kathleen.Walsh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 17:11:26 -0400

Excellent! I will get in touch with Ken on this.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

> kathy walsh wrote:
>> Kohsuke,
>> I haven't looked much at the test harness yet, and am wondering if you
>> can implement a dispatch test sample and install it in the workspace.
>> With the caveat that I haven't examined the harness closely,
>> I have a bit of concern as to whether support for dispatch clients
>> is currently present.
>> Dispatch clients may not have access to wsdl, and standardly do not
>> use jax-ws tools. Can you send some attention to dispatch and
>> the test harness and reassure me that dispatch capability is present?
> Thanks for bringing this up, and sorry for my delay in the response!
> We certainly don't have a dispatch example today, but I believe it's
> relatively straight-forward to support it. The only aspect that we
> need to pay attention is that the harness needs to 'own' the
> communication channel between the client and the server, and hidden
> from the test code. This is so that the test data can be reused across
> multiple containers and transports.
> The dispatch is bit tricky with this respect, because the test code
> needs to set the endpoint address, which is otherwise hidden by the
> harness. And my current thinking is that we just export variable
> 'endpointAddress' into the test code (for the test code to create a
> dispatch), and I think this still allow the harness to control the
> communication channel.
> Please talk to Ken. I believe he can change the harness to export this
> new variable, and work with you to get one sample from the current
> JAX-WS RI converted into the new harness.
> It will be a good exercise for the test harness team as well.