TreeNode attributes not working

From: Rebecca Searls <Rebecca.Searls_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 09:55:10 -0400

  It appears the TreeNode attributes actionListenerExpression and
  actionListener are never being called. Is this a known issue?

  <webuijsf:tree id="dynamicTree" binding="#{treeViewBean.dynamicTree}">
      <webuijsf:treeNode id="Connectors" text="Connectors" url="#"
         actionListenerExpression="#{treeViewBean.nodeExpanded}" />

I am using woodstock 4.3. I have read and am followed the
example code from both the example DynamicTreeBackingBean
and Tree section
Dynamic tree. I've added print stmts to my code and
can confirm that actionListenerExpression and actionListener
are never called however dynamicTree is.