Re: Tooltip on ImageHyperlink component (woodstock).

From: Venkatesh Babu <Venkatesh.M_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 15:46:13 +0530

Hi Oddvard

I just tried this out.. It looks like the browser only displays the
tooltip if there is some text present for the hyperlink.
 From the generated html source code, i see that the tooltip is being
correctly assigned to the hyperlink.
But unless a text is presented for the hyperlink, the tooltip is not
being shown.

<a id="form1:imageHyperlink1" style="position: absolute; left: 264px; top: 120px;" onclick="return hyperlink_submit(this, 'form1', null);" href="#" title="This is a long tooltip for this image hyperlink">
  <img id="form1:imageHyperlink1_image" src="/WebApplication31/resources/108_0872.JPG" alt="" border="0" height="50" width="50">

But if you are using the latest version of the woodstock components this
is no longer seen.
I am able to see the tooltip even without any text for the imageHyperlink.


Oddvard Myrnes wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a fractional page that I use with sevral other pages. On this
> page, I have sevral Imagehypelink components (NB 6.1 J2EE 1.4 VWP UI:) and I
> dont want to display
> the 'text' property, but I want the tooltip to show when the cursor rests on
> Image
> object. This will not work without having some text displayd, and the
> tooltip will only show when cursor rests over the 'text'. Is this a bug, or
> is it supposed to work that way?
> Oddvard
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