Hi Vanessa,
I noticed the buttons render with a specific pattern in their id, i.e.
"form:wizard:next_" so you could just peek into the generated html with
firebug and call disable on that getElementById.
Hope that helps.
Federico Vela
(+57) 1 750 8842
ICQ#: 210521656
Vanessa Black wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'd like to be able to be able to disable the Next button on a step such
> that it only gets re-enabled once a user has checked rows in a table in
> that step.
> I've been able to disable the Next button - but I'm not sure what to
> hook my disableNext() javascript function on to such that when that
> wizard step is rendered the script has been called and the Next button
> is disabled. I tried hooking it onto the onNext of the previous step -
> but that just causes the previous step to be rerendered.
> Any help is appreciated,
> Vanessa
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