Please go ahead and file a bug about the accordion tab focus problem. We
will get it fixed...
Arnaud Brand wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I found out some problems while using woodstock.
> I couldn't find them in the bug list and I don't know whether I should
> file them there or not.
> May be some of them aren't even bugs and there are known workarounds...
> I'm using the latest woodstock build (4.3 - Build 2 - 04/25/2008).
> I attached 3 screenshots and the jsp file that produced these results.
> 1- Localization problem on the dropdowns (see screen1.jpg)
> The files
> /theme/src/suntheme/translatedfiles/messages/
> (where xx are something like country codes) have problems at line 47
> on the property
> DropDown.titleOptionLabel=— {0} —
> I'm no expert at all, but I think it should be
> DropDown.titleOptionLabel=\u2014 {0} \u2014
> (which apparently works). Otherwise, — gets html encoded and
> appears in the dropdown list.
> The same goes on at line 388 for
> ListSelector.titleOptionLabel=— {0} —
> 2 - Focus problems with accordion tabs
> When I put textfields or textareas in accordion tabs, I can give them
> focus (by clicking) and type some text in them, but if I hit space, it
> folds (or unfolds) the last accordion tab that I unfolded (or folded).
> I saw some emails about that problem where someone said that the guy
> having the problem didn't properly set the focus on the control.
> Other than clicking on it, I don't know how a user could possibly set
> the focus on a control.
> When disabling the javascript code that handles the keyevents on the
> accordion tabs and recompiling woodstock this problem disappears.
> I didn't do much more research on this point, but I can help if needed.
> As a side note, it could be usefull to be able to entirelly disable
> key navigation on the accordions (that's more an RFE than a problem
> actually).
> 3 - Rendering problems with bubbles in accordion tabs (see screen3.jpg)
> Most of the components I put in the accordion tab render properly,
> only the bubble component has renders quite away from the image whose
> mouseover event triggers the bubble.
> The bubble "shift" seems to be consistent accross pages (on firefox :
> I can restore its position with style="margin:-35px 0px 0px -15px;",
> on ie7 I have to set style="margin:-50px 0px 0px -10px;").
> If I open firefox DOMInspector and let the child nodes of the
> accordion tab "content div" blink, they appear shifted to the bottom
> right of the div.
> In my case the accordion tab contains an h:panelgrid and several bubbles.
> Although appearing shifted in DOMInspector, the panelgrid displays
> properly, but the bubbles renders shifted to the bottom right, far not
> as much as what DOMInspector shows, but still far enough to be quite
> useless in this case.
> 4- Another rendering problem with bubbles in accordion tabs :
> I don't know if this is a feature or not, so I separated this issue
> from the previous.
> Bubbles too big to fit in the accordion tab are cut on the bottom (so
> that they do not overlap the next accordion tab) but not on the top
> (they may overlap the previous accordion tab).
> If this is a feature, I'll happily stay with my style="z-index:30000;"
> (which allows the bubble to overlap the next tab), but it could be
> nice to have some more documentation on this point and/or a documented
> setting so that other users do not loose time finding out out to
> achieve these results.
> Still, this style setting doesn't allow the bubble to overlap (or go
> out of) the accordion itself. I added
> style="overflow:visible;overflow-x:visible;overflow-y:visible;" which
> seems to work on both firefox and IE (this might be suboptimal, I'm
> not a CSS expert either ;-).
> I agree this setting is not limited to the bubble overlapping the tab,
> but it could be usefull for other users too (or maybe I'm just too
> dumb and should know CSS styles better and everyone else already found
> out...)
> The same goes on the the tabsets.
> 5-Table rendering problems on IE7 (see screen5.jpg)
> The table component's title bar mangles the action bar part of the
> table on IE 7.
> I double checked my css file and could not find anything related to
> tables.
> Thanks for your help and have a nice day...
> Best regards,
> Arnaud Brand
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