Re: JSF Exception issue

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 09:27:07 -0800

Venkatesh Babu wrote:
> cc'ing users_at_woodstock
> Not sure how ajax4jsf works, if a JSF exception is thrown during ,
> then the response goes directly to the RENDER_RESPONSE phase and
> the page which was rendered previously is shown again.
> From what i learn, JSF RI does not have a provision for error handling
> using the web.xml configuration(since its out of JSF page flow).
> However like you mention, you can return an error string from your
> actionExpression handler and configure that in your faces-config.xml file
> so that if any exceptions are thrown. it is redirected to that
> appropriate error page.
While I can't speak the Ajax4Jsf's interaction in this mix, I can say
that JSF does work with the error-page declaration in the web.xml.
> -Venky
> Amol Chaudhari wrote:
>> Hello Venkatesh/Animesh,
>> Sorry to annoy you again... I am facing an issue with exception
>> handling in our JSF application.
>> We have defined the standard error-page element in our web.xml file
>> as follows:
>> <error-page>
>> <exception-type>java.lang.Exception</exception-type>
>> <location>/error.jsp</location>
>> </error-page>
>> We invoke our action/actionListener methods using Ajax4Jsf command
>> button clicks so that we can refresh the needed portions of our page
>> as well as do some special processing when the response is complete.
>> Now the issue is, the application does not navigate to the error.jsp
>> page if an exception gets thrown because of Ajax4Jsf call. If we
>> directly call the action/actionListener then things work perfectly
>> fine. It will be lot of work to eliminate the ajax4jsf calls, so i am
>> looking for some workaround / solution for this.
>> I am searching for the solution for this from the last 3/4 days and
>> still I am not able to find any. I have put this issue on the
>> Sun/Nabble/JBoss(Aja4JSF) forums too, but no satisfactory reply till
>> now..
>> If you have some idea about this issue or Exception handling in JSF
>> in general, it might help me solve the issue.
>> Regards,
>> Amol
>> Venkatesh Babu wrote:
>>> You might want to note that a request has been filed for a tree-table
>>> You can also file issues that you find while developing your
>>> application at:
>>> -venky
>>> Amol Chaudhari wrote:
>>>> Hello Animesh/Venkatesh,
>>>> This is Mr. Amol Chaudhari from Pune, Maharashtra.
>>>> If you can recollect we had a brief chat at Sun Tech Days,
>>>> Hyderabad last week about the project WoodStock and a few issues we
>>>> are facing on our JSF project.
>>>> I am hoping to start a co-ordination among us so that we can get
>>>> our project related issues resolved and also we will be able to
>>>> start contributing on the WoodStock project.
>>>> Here, i have got a question for you too :
>>>> Currently we are using Sun's JSF components and Ajax4JSF library to
>>>> add Ajax functionality to our project. But in the long run we would
>>>> like to start using the woodstock components with the inbuilt ajax
>>>> features. Can you tell me, how difficult it would be to modify our
>>>> code and move totally to woodstock components?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Amol