cc'ing users_at_woodstock
Not sure how ajax4jsf works, if a JSF exception is thrown during , then
the response goes directly to the RENDER_RESPONSE phase and
the page which was rendered previously is shown again.
From what i learn, JSF RI does not have a provision for error handling
using the web.xml configuration(since its out of JSF page flow).
However like you mention, you can return an error string from your
actionExpression handler and configure that in your faces-config.xml file
so that if any exceptions are thrown. it is redirected to that
appropriate error page.
Amol Chaudhari wrote:
> Hello Venkatesh/Animesh,
> Sorry to annoy you again... I am facing an issue with exception
> handling in our JSF application.
> We have defined the standard error-page element in our web.xml file as
> follows:
> <error-page>
> <exception-type>java.lang.Exception</exception-type>
> <location>/error.jsp</location>
> </error-page>
> We invoke our action/actionListener methods using Ajax4Jsf command
> button clicks so that we can refresh the needed portions of our page
> as well as do some special processing when the response is complete.
> Now the issue is, the application does not navigate to the error.jsp
> page if an exception gets thrown because of Ajax4Jsf call. If we
> directly call the action/actionListener then things work perfectly
> fine. It will be lot of work to eliminate the ajax4jsf calls, so i am
> looking for some workaround / solution for this.
> I am searching for the solution for this from the last 3/4 days and
> still I am not able to find any. I have put this issue on the
> Sun/Nabble/JBoss(Aja4JSF) forums too, but no satisfactory reply till now..
> If you have some idea about this issue or Exception handling in JSF in
> general, it might help me solve the issue.
> Regards,
> Amol
> Venkatesh Babu wrote:
>> You might want to note that a request has been filed for a tree-table
>> You can also file issues that you find while developing your
>> application at:
>> -venky
>> Amol Chaudhari wrote:
>>> Hello Animesh/Venkatesh,
>>> This is Mr. Amol Chaudhari from Pune, Maharashtra.
>>> If you can recollect we had a brief chat at Sun Tech Days, Hyderabad
>>> last week about the project WoodStock and a few issues we are facing
>>> on our JSF project.
>>> I am hoping to start a co-ordination among us so that we can get our
>>> project related issues resolved and also we will be able to start
>>> contributing on the WoodStock project.
>>> Here, i have got a question for you too :
>>> Currently we are using Sun's JSF components and Ajax4JSF library to
>>> add Ajax functionality to our project. But in the long run we would
>>> like to start using the woodstock components with the inbuilt ajax
>>> features. Can you tell me, how difficult it would be to modify our
>>> code and move totally to woodstock components?
>>> Regards,
>>> Amol