Firebird Database and Visual Web JavaServerFaces

From: Andreas Rulle <>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 20:07:16 +0100 (CET)


at the moment we are evaluating Visual Web
JavaServerFaces for a new project.

Using Apache Derby and an Oracle Database for the
tutorial examples was a great experience.

With Firebird 2.0.3 database via tcp/localhost and
Jaybird Netbeans can establish a connection and the
individual tables are shown under
Services/Datebases/<the connection>/tables.

If one of the tables is dropped onto the design view
of a page the <tablename>DataProvider appears in the
page navigator.

But in the "Bind to Data" dialog for a table the
<tablename>DataProvider is marked as red under "Get
Data From" . If this <tablename>DataProvider is
selected then the box can not be stored.

* Is Firebird/Jaybird 2.1.3 working with
        Visual Web JavaServerFaces?
* Where can some error message be found
        to diagnose the issue?



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