login component not rendered following use of JSF page nav

From: Kenneth Suter <Kenneth.Suter_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:59:38 -0600

In Woodstock 4.2, I have a simple login page containing both a masthead
and a login tag, both of which render their respective components under
normal circumstances. The login component is specified as:

 <webuijsf:login autoStart="true" id="login1" serviceName="Auth1"/>

However, when I introduce a JSF RESTORE_VIEW PhaseListener that directs
traffic to the login page if the user is not authenticated, the masthead
renders OK but the login component does not. The PhaseListener directs
traffic by checking the user's authentication status and calling
NavigationHandler.handleNavigation() with an outcome that references the
login page.

In stepping through the Login class' source code during a non-forwarded
successful rendering of the login component, I noticed that lots of
initialization magic happens as a result of Login.processValidators()
and validate() methods that does not get called when the the page is
forwarded to during the RESTORE_VIEW phase.

Is there a way to make the login component render in this usage scenario?

