Re: Popup menu's eventListener/eventListenerExpression attribute doesn't work with facelets

From: Venkatesh Babu <Venkatesh.M_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:16:29 +0530

I believe we only have a "menu" component and no "actionMenu" component
There seems to be a bug with the tld doc example.

EventExpression/EventListenerExpressions are similar to
but they have a value associated with the "action". In this case, it is
the selected option of the menu.

But, actionExpression/actionListenerExpression did not work with
facelets and hence, people used the deprecated
 action/actionListener attributes instead. Since the
action/actionListener attributes were already deprecated with jsf1.2 and
actionExpression/actionListenerExpression were introduced, we just went
ahead with providing eventExpression/eventListenerExpression attributes.

I guess if we had had something like "event"/"eventListener" equivalent
attributes, then that would have served the purpose for facelets until
that particular bug with facelets had been fixed.


janylj wrote:
> Hello,
> We tried these two ways to use Woodstock Popup menu just as the code example
> in the documentation.
> 1:
> <webuijsf:actionenu id="popup1" items="#{popUp.optionItems1}"
> eventListener="#{popUp.selectedItem}"/>
> 2:
> <webuijsf:menu id="popup1" items="#{popupBean.optionItems}"
> eventListenerExpression="#{popupBean.selectOption}"/>
> However, with Facelets 1.1.12 (or 1.1.13), the expression/method binding
> with eventListener/eventListenerExpression attriubte is never called. We are
> not sure whether it's a Woodstock problem or Facelets. But these two
> attributes don't seem in the JSF 1.2 spec.
> Any ideas? Thank you very much.