HTML Output vs Javascript Output

From: <>
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 09:52:18 +0200 (SAST)

Hi All,

Sorry if this is the wrong place to send this, but I have no idea where
else to go.

I'm doing some JSF development making use of the extended Woodstock tags
and I'm having problems with the HTML output which is transmitted to the
client. Every element (corresponding to a Woodstock tag) is created
through a javascript function, instead of normal HTML tags as I would
expect. Perhaps an example would explain things better:

If I create a JSF page and add the Woodstock StaticText element as follow:

<webuijsf:staticText text="Hello World" />

I would expect the HTML source transmitted to the client to be something
in line with this:

<body>Hello World</body>

Yet what actually gets created is this:


Is this standard for Woodstock or am I doing something wrong? Is there
some way to configure Woodstock so that it won't create the components
dynamically ? Isn't this a terrible approach to use (what if the client
has Javascript turned off)?

Any and all help is appreciated,

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