I really thank for your replying,
I can not access Update center deirectly from NetBeans.
But i accessed the Updadate center from browser.And i went to
http://updates.netbeans.org/netbeans/updates/6.0/uc/final/stable/ ,here i found the org-netbeans-modules-visualweb-woodstock-webui-jsf-patch2.nbm , and org-netbeans-modules-visualweb-woodstock-webui-jsf.nbm ,i installed them and after that intalled ,org-netbeans-modules-visualweb-woodstock-webui-jsf.nbm,and org-netbeans-modules-visualweb-webui-jsf-defaulttheme.nbm,and after that i run the project that contain button and textbox and.... but when the browser loaded the page ,there was not any component in the page.
Can you tell me what plugin i must install?I can not find visual JSF update 1.0.2 in Update center in web browser.
I am still confusing.
----- Original Message ----
From: Tongayi Masunda <tmas777_at_hotmail.com>
To: users_at_woodstock.dev.java.net
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:45:44 AM
Subject: RE: Problem with woodstock+VWP
.hmmessage P
Did you do the update using downloaded woodstock modules? If so you need to go to tools > plugins > updates. There should be a Visual JSF 1.0.2 update there. Update visual jsf and when you install the woodstock modules you should be able to view your page components.
Please let me know if this helps
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 04:13:41 -0800
From: khosro_question_at_yahoo.com
To: users_at_woodstock.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: Problem with woodstock+VWP
.ExternalClass DIV
You did not get my problem.
I did it .This is not my problem.
My problem is that after installing woodstock plugin ,there is some component in my page,OK?,but when i runing it,i get the blank page without any component ,and without any error.neither the basic component nor woodstock component ,they do not render.
----- Original Message ----
From: Tongayi Masunda <tmas777_at_hotmail.com>
To: users_at_woodstock.dev.java.net
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 1:59:04 AM
Subject: RE: Problem with woodstock+VWP
.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P
.ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage
i 'd try setVisible for your accordion. seems to work for me.
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 01:16:11 -0800
From: khosro_question_at_yahoo.com
To: users_at_woodstock.dev.java.net
Subject: Problem with woodstock+VWP
.ExternalClass DIV
I go to
https://woodstock.dev.java.net/Download.htm and in latest release ,downloaded the netbeans plugin 6.o(component,and theme).
And install it.and create visual web project and drag and drop a
accordion component and run project,but see the blank page.Evan when i
drag and drop the standard component , i see the blank page(After
running).Before the installation i have not this behavior and every
component render properly.After uninstalling NetBeans and reinstall
Netbeans,and not install woodstock, everything is ok.
Please Help.
what should i do?
Thanks in advance.
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