Re: Woodstock 4.2 Bubble Component

From: Cathy Mucci <Catherine.Mucci_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:54:31 -0500


I think there may be a couple of things going on here.

You noted that you added in the 4.2 Build 1 nbms to NB 6.1. It is
important to note that at this time the Woodstock nbms do not include
localizations. The 4.2 localization jars are available separately from
our download page.

In looking at your screenshot I question the error that shows a
directory path that includes locale 'en-ca'. What locale is that? It
is not a locale that I recognize in the list that Woodstock supports or


Lastly, '' is not used in any of the bubble javascript so I'm
not sure where this is getting set. You might try to download the 4.2
localizations and see if that solves your problem.

Thanks. I hope some of this helps.


Stephan Bardubitzki wrote:
> Hi Cathy,
> I'm currently using NB 6.1 Build 200801220000 and the plugins from
> Woodstock 4.2 Build 1. As I mentioned before I have used the bubble
> component extensively with the NB 6.1 nightly builds and the plugins
> from Woodstock 4.1.1 Build 1 without any problems.
> There is nothing in the IDE log or in the Glassfish server log that
> could give any clue.
> I have attached a screen shot with the output of the Firebug console.
> Hope this helps.
> Stephan
>> Hi Stephan,
>> I was just able to create a simple project with a hyperlink that
>> launches bubble help. My testing was completed using NB 6.1 and the 4.2
>> Build 1 Project Woodstock nbms.
>> There are no errors on my page, or with bubble help in particular.
>> Can you provide more details on your setup? What build of Netbeans
>> 6.0/6.1? Did you take and plugin the 4.2 Build 1 Woodstock nbms, or did
>> you use your own private build of 4.2? Are there any additional errors
>> in the NB logs that can help us debug this further for you?
>> Here is a snipit of the code from my project page that worked:
>> <webuijsf:page id="page1">
>> <webuijsf:html id="html1">
>> <webuijsf:head id="head1">
>> <webuijsf:link id="link1"
>> url="/resources/stylesheet.css"/>
>> </webuijsf:head>
>> <webuijsf:body id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid">
>> <webuijsf:form id="form1">
>> <webuijsf:bubble id="bubble1" style="left:
>> 120px; top: 72px; position: absolute" title="Bubble Help">
>> <webuijsf:panelLayout id="layoutPanel1"
>> style="width: 128px; height: 128px;">
>> <webuijsf:staticText id="staticText1"
>> style="left: 24px; top: 24px; position: absolute" text="This is to
>> display the static text of bubble help"/>
>> </webuijsf:panelLayout>
>> </webuijsf:bubble>
>> <webuijsf:hyperlink
>> actionExpression="#{Page1.basicBubble_action}" id="basicBubble"
>> onClick="return false;"
>> onKeyDown="document.getElementById('form1:bubble1').open(event);"
>> onMouseOut="document.getElementById('form1:bubble1').close();"
>> onMouseOver="document.getElementById('form1:bubble1').open(event);"
>> style="position: absolute; left: 48px; top: 24px" text="Click to launch
>> bubble help"/>
>> </webuijsf:form>
>> </webuijsf:body>
>> </webuijsf:html>
>> </webuijsf:page>
>>-- Cathy
> Animesh Sahay wrote:
>> I am looking into this issue, will get back to you soon.
>> -Animesh
>> On Jan 25, 2008 9:50 AM, Stephan Bardubitzki < <>> wrote:
>>>I have been developing some pages with NB 6.0 / 6.1 and Woodstock 4.1.1
>>>where I used bubble component extensively with no problem. Since updating
>>>to Woodstock 4.2 the bubble components don't get rendered, instead Firebug
>>>throws error message " has no properties"!!!
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Cathy Mucci		
QE, Projects Woodstock and Lockhart
Developer, Tools, & Services Organization
Sun Microsystems, Inc.