Re: CommonTaskSections columns

From: Venkatesh Babu <Venkatesh.M_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 11:03:52 +0530

jcogan wrote:
> I'm using the Woodstock library included with Netbeans 6 beta 2.
> If I specify 3 columns and have 4 CommonTaskGroups the 4th group is
> positioned on the right side under the 3rd group. Is this the expected
> behavior?
Yes. This is the expected behavior. The last column will accomodate the
"extra" group.
> If I have 3 CommonTaskGroups and CommonTaskGroup #1 is not visible, not
> rendered or both the space is still reserved for the first CommonTaskGroup.
> I expected that the other CommonTaskGroups would be repositioned. (And I
> thought I saw this behavior at some point.) Should the CommonTaskGroups
> reposition if one or more of them are not visible?
The commontaskgroups should defenitely be repositioned. Are you seeing
this at designtime and runtime?
