Re: Debugging upload?

From: Antonio <>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 17:19:39 +0200

Problem solved!!

I needed to manually specify the enctype of the form containing the
upload (I'm using latest build, I wonder if this is a bug?)

What I did:

          <w:form enctype="multipart/form-data">
             <w:textField id="textfield" label="Enter a value"
             <w:upload id="upload1" required="true" label="Fichero a
subir" uploadedFile="#{UploadData.uploadedFile}" />
             <w:button text="Enviar" action="upload" />


Antonio wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've successfully integrated Woodstock and Facelets (and even Spring Web
> Flow).
> I'm having trouble with file upload, though. On my form I have a text
> component and an upload component. The text component binds perfectly to
> a property of my managed bean, but the upload component does not: the
> property is never set on my bean :-(.
> Is there any way to debug the upload component?
> Thanks,
> Antonio
> P.S.: Woodstock is really great. Good job, guys. I'm looking for the
> 9/28 release.