Are you finding any other facelet issues with woodstock ?
You got around it by replacuing with ui:include & simply including a seperate file with same content, correct ?
I have encounted the following:
Ui-repeat wont work tables to created columns dynamically
AddRemove (remove & remove all buttons not appearing in firefox) but ok in internet explorer
----- Original Message ----
From: Lilianne E. Blaze <>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 10:49:37 PM
Subject: Re: Woodstock + Facelets - crazy problem with head-title and facelets templating
I found a workaround:
<f:facet name="title">
<ui:include src="title.xhtml"/>
with title.xhtml containing:
<ui:component>Test Xxx -${" "}<ui:insert
But that's, well, very hackish and it doesn't explain anything?
Greetings, Lilianne E. Blaze
Lilianne E. Blaze wrote:
> I'm trying to get
> <webuijsf:head>
> <f:facet name="title">
> Test Xxx -${" "}<ui:insert name="title">Welcome</ui:insert>
> </f:facet>
> To work. The idea is obviously to get the first part of a title defined
> in template page, the second in a specific page. <ui:insert
> name="title"> should (and does) render "Home". Now the problem is, it
> doesn't seem to work with facets. "${" "}" does exactly what it looks
> like, outputs a space to get "- Home" instead of "-Home", removing it
> does not make a difference.
> 1. Test one - as it should work?
> <webuijsf:head>
> <f:facet name="title">
> Test Xxx -${" "}<ui:insert name="title">Welcome</ui:insert>
> </f:facet>
> Renders:
> <title>Home</title>
> Should render:
> <title>Test Xxx - Home</title>
> 2. Test two - next logical thing?
> <webuijsf:head>
> <f:facet name="title">
> <f:verbatim>Test Xxx -${" "}<ui:insert
> name="title">Welcome</ui:insert></f:verbatim>
> </f:facet>
> <title>Test Xxx - </title>
> 3. Test three - as in 1st, but changed the order. In 1st and 3rd I'm
> getting 2nd part of two, either only the insert or only the template text.
> <webuijsf:head>
> <f:facet name="title">
> <ui:insert name="title">Welcome</ui:insert>Test Xxx -${" "}
> </f:facet>
> <title>Test Xxx - </title>
> 4. Test four - let's try some crazy things now. Doesn't work.
> <webuijsf:head>
> <f:facet name="title">
> <ui:insert name="titleFake">Test Xxx -${" "}<ui:insert
> name="title">Welcome</ui:insert></ui:insert>
> </f:facet>
> <title>Home</title>
> 5. Test five, now nothing at all?
> <webuijsf:head>
> <f:facet name="title">
> <f:verbatim><ui:insert name="titleFake">Test Xxx -${"
> "}<ui:insert name="title">Welcome</ui:insert></ui:insert></f:verbatim>
> </f:facet>
> <title></title>
> So, what am I doing wrong?
> Greetings, Lilianne E. Blaze
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