Re: two "issues"

From: Dan Labrecque <Dan.Labrecque_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2008 10:43:40 -0400

Paul Stead wrote:
> Hi folks!
> Hey, I have a couple of issues for you.
> The first is regarding the website. You have a "discussion forum",
> but there doesn't appear to be a way for common folk like me to add to
> the forum. I do login to, but there is no option for me to
> add to the discussion. If there was, I would have posted my second
> issue there instead of bugging you with an email.
> The second issue is regarding the table component (the first one since
> table2 still doesn't seem to be available, at least as of NetBeans
> 6.1). *Very* often, I run into situations where the table is rendered
> "empty" at first. In fact, it seems to affect the rendering of
> several of the components on the page! Then, when I "refresh" the
> page, it renders properly. I've attached two screenshots, one showing
> the empty version, and then the correct one after a refresh. I
> noticed that somebody posted a very similar problem in the forum, but
> there was no answer. Is there some trick to get this to render
> properly always?

I don't have enough information, so I cannot say what might be wrong. It
would be interesting to know which version of Woodstock and Firefox are
in use? In the mean time, you can try setting the head tag's parseOnLoad
attribute to false, providing you're using Woodstock 4.2 or later.
