Re: woodtock bits staging

From: Richard Spellman <Richard.Spellman_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 17:48:26 -0500

I have an AI to get Ashvini, Rudolf and Senthil together to resolve
this. Others are welcome.


richard ratta wrote:
> Also we have to be careful with jar naming. I was under the impression
> that jar file names
> had to include versioning information, not sure how true that is.
> If this is the case we can't have the jar names changing unless all
> other processes
> that depend on those names change as well.
> Also I could see how having a separate build file might be problematic
> if there is
> information in the main build file that needs to be duplicated.
> However I would imagine that as long as the directory where the
> deliverable is placed by
> the main build files remains the same and version information is
> available
> ( it should always be in the jar manifest) then I think it could be
> separate.
> Actually why not create a directory in the woodstock directory called
> "maven" and
> yank the necessary jars from their "dist" locations ?
> webui/dist
> themes/dist
> -rick
> Richard Spellman wrote:
>> This sounds reasonable. Senthil, can you do that instead?
>> Thanks,
>> D
>> richard ratta wrote:
>>> How about just creating a separate build file for the maven changes
>>> "build-maven.xml" ?
>>> The build files are complicated enough and this will modularize them
>>> a little better.
>>> I would have liked to do more of this with the existing build files
>>> like a "build-designtime".xml
>>> etc., but have never had enough time to clean these files up.
>>> -rick
>>> Senthil Chidambaram wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Do you mind I make some build changes to push webui*.jar files to
>>>> maven repository. I won't touch your source code, and the target I
>>>> add won't be invoked at all by default, unless you invoke it
>>>> explicitly. I'll email the build script changes for review before I
>>>> check it in.
>>>> I'll start working on this only if the woodstock team approves it,
>>>> because I've to checkin the repo directory at the top level of
>>>> woodstock src tree to hold the snapshot files before pushing it to
>>>> maven repository.
>>>> P.S: I'm also looking at options to push the bits without touching
>>>> any of the woodstock files, which I'm successful so far. You can
>>>> see my test bits pushed here
>>>> . These bits are pushed to maven2 repo, not sure I'm still
>>>> exploring the differences between maven1, and maven2 repositories.
>>>> thx
>>>> Senthil
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