Alert and DynaFaces in woodstock components 4.2 build 2

From: Dipesh Patel <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:18:52 +0530


I am using alert component.

i have delete button which delete the item and shows message in alert
component and on click of delete component i have used the following script


btndeleteproductattachment(this);" primary="true"
                                 style="width: 71px" text="Delete"/>

 function btndeleteproductattachment(temp) {
     var h=confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this product");

        var h=temp.value;
    return false;


here *form1:mainpanel:alertpanel:alert1 *is the alert component i want to
rendered using dynafaces but it is not rendered

but when i do not use ajax i.e dynafaces the alert is rendered.

*and also document.getElementById('form1:mainpanel:alertpanel:alert1').refresh()
does not work.

*so is this a bug or i am doing something wrong.

please help me

Dipesh Patel
Computer Engineer