Re: How can I find out what source files were updated for issue 823

From: Brett M. Bergquist <>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 14:37:39 -0500

But 4.1.1 is not even available on the download site yet. This is not a
solution to my problem and I really need to fix just the Tree
rendering. Maybe even just a description of what newlines were removed
so that I can do the same here would work.

 I'd really like to know how one tracks a fix for an issue back to the
source code changes that were made. Surely there must be some
traceability. Here at my company we use CVSZilla which associates
checked in files with a bug in BugZilla. So from a bug in BugZilla, I
can find a CVS "transaction" that lists all of the source files that
were checked in to fix the bug.

Ratnadeep Bhattacharjee wrote:
> Brett M. Bergquist wrote:
>> This issue
>> is present in the NB 6.0 release of the woodstock components. I
>> cannot ship with the tree acting the way that it is, so I need to
>> apply the fixes that were done to fix this issue to the 4.1 build 15
>> source and rebuild myself. So how can I find out what files were
>> updated to fix this issue?
> The fix was not in a single place but rather a number pf places where
> newlines were removed. I believe version 4.1.1 of Woodstock the issue
> has been resolved.
> -Deep.
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