Re: Proposed Annotation Change

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2007 11:31:01 -0700

richard ratta wrote:
> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>> Gregory Murphy wrote:
>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>> Adding the @Renderer annotation to a UIComponent class works
>>>> provided that you use the rendererClass property as well... AND you
>>>> don't have a @Component annotation. The way the current annotation
>>>> processor is written, it doesn't support 2 annotations on a single
>>>> class... or at least I haven't figured out the correct syntax to
>>>> get that to work. I think the problem is that when you specify
>>>> both annotations, the first annotation annotates the 2nd annotation
>>>> instead of both annotating the class. Separating w/ commas didn't
>>>> seem to help. There's a good change I'm doing something wrong when
>>>> defining the annotation, though.
>>> An annotation may use another annotation as the type of one of its
>>> elements, but you can't annotate an annotation. I don't know enough
>>> about formal languages to be able to explain why this is.
>> I'm not sure of the details either... however, when I tried doing:
>> @Renderer...
>> @Component...
>> It didn't process the @Renderer annotation at all. It did if I
>> removed the @Component one. Anyway, in my test cases, I was doing
>> the following:
>> @Component(rendererClass="..." ...)
> But this association is not appropriate.
> A component should not dictate its renderer-class.
I agree. This doesn't dictate it. It *optionally* generates a default
which only manifests itself in the faces-config.xml file. This can
either be changed by an end user, or overriden by an end user.

The value of this change comes in simplifying the development process,
nothing more.

> -rick
>> Which was more concise and worked well.
>> Ken
>>> The current library and processor do support multiple renderer
>>> annotations, so that one renderer can be assigned to more than one
>>> component family. For example:
>>> @Renderer({
>>> @Renders(componentFamily="org.example.input"),
>>> @Renders(componentFamily="org.example.output")
>>> })
>>> public class MyFavoriteRenderer {
>>> }
>>> So you can use a single template renderer with a whole mess of
>>> components, but you have to annotate the renderer to create these
>>> associations, not the components. If users are getting the template
>>> renderer as part of a third party JAR, they could always extend it,
>>> and annotate the extension.
>>> // Gregory
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