You are correct. "rendererType" is optional on the @Renderer
annotation. If not specified it creates a default. The 3rd part of
this which is in the faces-config.xml file is "rendererClass". This
also gets its value created automatically from the Java class that was
annotated. There is currently no way to override this... although my
change provided an optional property which would allow this to be
overridden (this was a side effect of my proposed implementation).
richard ratta wrote:
> Gregory Murphy wrote:
>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>> Adding the @Renderer annotation to a UIComponent class works
>>> provided that you use the rendererClass property as well... AND you
>>> don't have a @Component annotation. The way the current annotation
>>> processor is written, it doesn't support 2 annotations on a single
>>> class... or at least I haven't figured out the correct syntax to get
>>> that to work. I think the problem is that when you specify both
>>> annotations, the first annotation annotates the 2nd annotation
>>> instead of both annotating the class. Separating w/ commas didn't
>>> seem to help. There's a good change I'm doing something wrong when
>>> defining the annotation, though.
>> An annotation may use another annotation as the type of one of its
>> elements, but you can't annotate an annotation. I don't know enough
>> about formal languages to be able to explain why this is.
>> The current library and processor do support multiple renderer
>> annotations, so that one renderer can be assigned to more than one
>> component family. For example:
>> @Renderer({
>> @Renders(componentFamily="org.example.input"),
>> @Renders(componentFamily="org.example.output")
>> })
> This is good. I didn't know this was was possible.
> But what about renderer-type ?
> Isn't the renderer-class bound to renderer-type, more so than
> component-family ?
> -rick
>> public class MyFavoriteRenderer {
>> }
>> So you can use a single template renderer with a whole mess of
>> components, but you have to annotate the renderer to create these
>> associations, not the components. If users are getting the template
>> renderer as part of a third party JAR, they could always extend it,
>> and annotate the extension.
>> // Gregory
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