The table2 widget has not been released and should not be in use. The
only way the getProps function would be invoked is if you're using the
"table2" tag instead of the "table" tag. The only other way this
particular JavaScript file would be included in the page is if you have
inadvertently enabled debug mode?
Padraig Byrne wrote:
> Found table2 widget /theme/com/sun/webui/jsf/suntheme/javascript/widget/table2.js
> & can see it loading in firebug
> but no table widget ... Am I missing something ? & could thi be related to
> _23.getProps is not a function
> (no name)("form1:table1:rowGroup1")dojo.js (line 301)
> (no name)()dojo.js (line 173)
> initAllRows()select.js (line 40)
> var _45=_43.slice(0,i).join(".");
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