Re: ohloh site

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 09:49:56 -0700

I agree the documentation for the component should clearly state how to do navigation.  Your blog will likely help many more people figure this out. :)  I'm not sure why M9 doesn't have a visual respresentation of it...  perhaps someone on the Woodstock team knows.


John Yeary wrote:
I am glad you liked it. I was inspired by the GF Admin console when I wrote a new time sheet application for my company. I use the Common Task components to try to make it a better user experience. The woodstock examples on the site don't really give a good explanation on how to use it to navigate, so I tried a simple trick it. Obviously it works, but jsftemplating would be easier. I will need to look into using the jsftemplating, but I was really trying to stay in the NB 6.0 M8/NB 6.0 M9 VWP arena. BTW the examples and my project were done in NB 6.0 M8. The M9 release does not include a "visual" common task component.

On 5/25/07, Ken Paulsen <> wrote:

Cool! I really liked your Common Task blog.


John Yeary wrote:
I already added a rating and an example of how to use the common tasks component.

On 5/24/07, Ken Paulsen < > wrote:

This is an interesting site that I stumbled on. (Woodstock)

I just added Woodstock so it doesn't have stats yet, but you can look at
GlassFish for an example of what it looks like once the stats are
collected.  It's also interesting to see how projects are related, etc.
Check it out. (GlassFish)


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John Yeary
"If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants..."  Sir Isaac Newton
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John Yeary
"If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants..."  Sir Isaac Newton