Re: Feedback on 4.1 version

From: richard ratta <Richard.Ratta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2007 14:08:10 -0400

It is possible that the TLD docs are quite out of date.

My guess is that it references an example of the an old internal test
that does not exist in the woodstock repository.

The WizardValidator is an application defined class to handle validation
it is not part of the Wizard component.


Serge Bornow wrote:

> Hello,
> I really like the wizard and hope to use it soon.
> You guys did a great job.
> I do have a little problem, there seems to be a missing class
> WizardValidator , my guess it should be in a ...jsf.validator package
> Another thing, tlddoc/wizard.html
> The example has a few simple errors:
> GetNavigationEvent() method has been deprecated but still in use in
> that example
> in the method handleEvent the line:
> Wizard wizard = (Wizard) event.getSource();
> will throw an compile error since wizard variable is already defined
> in the same method above.
> I hope this is helpful.
> Let me know if you need any other information.
> --
> Serge Bornow
> .................................................
> Have you seen my site and blog yet?