I started working yesterday on integrating the annotations processing in
the RI sandbox code and have hit a bit of a snag. Currently, in theory,
as I've not tested this, the Sandbox should work fine under a 1.1 impl,
but the annotations processor emits 1.2 config files, sources, etc.
What's the general feeling on a patch to add support for creating 1.1
files, with the default compatibility being 1.2 (and, thus, maintaining
the status quo)? I can submit a patch for that as well (once I get it
Jason Lee, SCJP
Senior Software Engineer
http://www.iec-okc.com <
From: Gregory.Murphy_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Gregory.Murphy_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:35 AM
To: dev_at_woodstock.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: Facelets Update and Another Question
Jason Lee wrote:
The processor does assume that it is processing
an entire
component library. It cannot, for example,
generate metadata
for one component, and then add an entry for
that component
in an existing faces-config file. The biggest
obstacle to
working with existing component libraries, is
that you may
not have the freedom to annotate the source.
Which is fine with me, as that is the approach I take.
With the Sandbox
stuff, it's pretty much a 1-2 man show, with me doing
the bulk of the
work, so I have pretty much total freedom to annotate
all the classes.
Is the annotations jar available (via maven, for
example) somewhere I
can easily download it in my build process?
You can build the annotations library and processor from source.
The source is in the Woodstock respository, in visualweb/annotations.
There are two NetBeans projects, ./library, and ./processor, each of
which builds its respective JAR file. There is also documentation that
explains how to use the annotations, but it has not yet been moved to
java.net. I'm attaching a copy.
// Gregory