[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Fwd: TCK Access

From: Danny Coward <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 15:39:17 -0700

(for Justin) Here's the note about TCK access.

- Danny

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] TCK Access
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 15:53:27 -0800
From: Danny Coward <>

Hi Mark and all,
> On a related note, will the TCK be made available to the EG members? If
> so, any idea when?
Sorry for the delay, I'm a bit new to the new way of the TCKs !

In short: yes and you can start looking at it now, but read on.

Everyone in the expert group can get access to the TCK for review
purposes. The access ends once the spec goes final, and at that point
you have to license the TCK. You can send any feedback to me. As of now,
we do have some TCK tests there, and they are tracking the version of
the API that Tyrus our RI supports. But, as you'd expect at this point,
the tests are incomplete and evolving fast. We expect it to get much
more complete in the next month or so.

You can send any feedback on the TCK to me, and feel free to bring up
spec issues looking at the TCK may bring up to the expert group. The
details on the terms under which you get access are below.

If you/your company is an existing Java EE licensee, then Oracle will
set up the access through the contact at Oracle you use for Java
Licensee Engineering.

If you/your company is not an existing Java EE licensee, then drop me
and Lance a note ( If you are not sureor if
you are not sure/don't know who your Java Licensee Engineering person
is, then drop me and Lance a note (

OK ?

- Danny

" These materials are related to the proposed TCK for JSR 356 (the
"JSR"). These materials are not "Contributions" to the JSR under the
Java Specification Participation Agreement ("JSPA"), but are considered
to be of potential use in your assessment of the proposed Specification,
TCK and/or Reference Implementation. However, Oracle hereby grants you a
license to use these materials under the same terms as are set forth in
Section 4B of the JSPA for Contributions. Thus, your use of the
materials is limited to "research and development purposes related to
the activities of [the] Expert Group" for the JSR. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, no license is given to copy these materials or any portion of
these materials for the purposes of their disclosure to any third party,
except that in the course of "research and development purposes related
to the activities of [the] Expert Group" you may exchange comments or
questions concerning their use or the results of using these materials
as part of the proposed TCK, including relevant excerpts of the
materials related to the TCK, provided such excerpts are inherently part
of such results, but not the non-relevant portions of the materials
themselves. "

> Mark

<> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation