[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Fwd: TCK Access

From: Justin Lee <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 19:46:00 -0400

Should it be visible on the project site? because I don't see it anywhere.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 6:39 PM, Danny Coward <>wrote:

> (for Justin) Here's the note about TCK access.
> - Danny
> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [jsr356-users]
> [jsr356-experts] TCK Access Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 15:53:27 -0800 From: Danny
> Coward <> <> Reply-To:
> To:
> Hi Mark and all,
> On a related note, will the TCK be made available to the EG members? If
> so, any idea when?
> Sorry for the delay, I'm a bit new to the new way of the TCKs !
> In short: yes and you can start looking at it now, but read on.
> Everyone in the expert group can get access to the TCK for review
> purposes. The access ends once the spec goes final, and at that point you
> have to license the TCK. You can send any feedback to me. As of now, we do
> have some TCK tests there, and they are tracking the version of the API
> that Tyrus our RI supports. But, as you'd expect at this point, the tests
> are incomplete and evolving fast. We expect it to get much more complete in
> the next month or so.
> You can send any feedback on the TCK to me, and feel free to bring up spec
> issues looking at the TCK may bring up to the expert group. The details on
> the terms under which you get access are below.
> If you/your company is an existing Java EE licensee, then Oracle will set
> up the access through the contact at Oracle you use for Java Licensee
> Engineering.
> If you/your company is not an existing Java EE licensee, then drop me and
> Lance a note ( If you are not sureor if you
> are not sure/don't know who your Java Licensee Engineering person is, then
> drop me and Lance a note (
> OK ?
> - Danny
> " These materials are related to the proposed TCK for JSR 356 (the "JSR").
> These materials are not "Contributions" to the JSR under the Java
> Specification Participation Agreement ("JSPA"), but are considered to be of
> potential use in your assessment of the proposed Specification, TCK and/or
> Reference Implementation. However, Oracle hereby grants you a license to
> use these materials under the same terms as are set forth in Section 4B of
> the JSPA for Contributions. Thus, your use of the materials is limited to
> "research and development purposes related to the activities of [the]
> Expert Group" for the JSR. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no license is
> given to copy these materials or any portion of these materials for the
> purposes of their disclosure to any third party, except that in the course
> of "research and development purposes related to the activities of [the]
> Expert Group" you may exchange comments or questions concerning their use
> or the results of using these materials as part of the proposed TCK,
> including relevant excerpts of the materials related to the TCK, provided
> such excerpts are inherently part of such results, but not the non-relevant
> portions of the materials themselves. "
> Mark
> --
> <> * Danny Coward *
> Java EE
> Oracle Corporation

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