[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Cleaned up Configuration APIs

From: Danny Coward <>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 16:41:03 -0800

> Danny,
> I might be missing something but is there a way to deploy an endpoint
> programmatically on the server side without any scanning taking place?

Hi Mark,

I don't think so (with or without this cleanup), unless we (re)fulfilled
your standing request for programmatic deployment. If there
is no scan, there is no way to find the endpoints, nor the
ServerApplicationConfigurations in the WAR.

> The use case I'm thinking of is a large application with lots of JARs
> that knows exactly which endpoints need to be deployed and does not want
> to incur the start-up delay that scanning requires.

Hmm. I see the usecase is useful. What would you suggest ?

We could make a special web.xml init parameter that could either list
them, or alternatively could reference ServerApplicationConfigurations
which could
supply the specific endpoints.

And a related question, is this your primary usecase for programmatic
deployment ? i.e. if we solved the use case, would you still want it to
be in the spec for some other reason ?


- Danny
> Mark

<> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation