[jsr356-users] Re: ServerApplicationConfiguration

From: Danny Coward <>
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 17:24:08 -0800

Hi Arun,

On 1/8/13 2:12 PM, Arun Gupta wrote:
> How do you expect a typical implementation of
> Set<Class>
> ServerApplicationConfiguration.getAnnotatedEndpointClasses(Set<Class>)
> to look like ?

Something like:-

public Set<Class>
scannedOnes) {
     Set onesIWantToDeploy = new HashSet();
     for (Class next : scannedOnes) {
         if (doIReallyWantThisOneAfterAll(next)) {
     return onesIWantToDeploy;

> Seems like the parameter will already contain the list of classes
> annotated with @WebSocketEndpoint ?

Yes, they are the result of the scan for annotated endpoints.
> Is the expectation that interface-driven endpoints will be added to
> this set and returned back ?
No, they are scanned for separately, and passed into
getEndpointConfigurationClasses(), or more precisely, their endpoint
configurations are scanned for and passed into that method.
> What if I do not include @WebSocketEndpoint in the list ? Are those
> endpoints then not deployed by the server ?
Correct, the ones you return out of these methods are deployed, which
may not be all of them.

> Is there a mechanism to provide configuration across all the endpoints
> - annotation or interface-driven ?

What kind of configuration ? If you want some kind of global thing they
all hook up to, then you can subclass/implement your own *Configuration
class with a getGlobalThing() method on it if you like, except for the
annotated client case (see last email).


- Danny
> Arun

<> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation