[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Call precedence of multiple MessageHandlers

From: Scott Ferguson <>
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2012 17:36:14 -0700

On 11/2/12 4:59 PM, Danny Coward wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Another question that has come up as people look at the API and
> implement it is the issue of precedence when an endpoint has multiple
> MessageHandlers. I wrote up a little proposal that seeks to define how
> the container is supposed to select which of potentially numerous of
> MessageHandlers to callwhen a web socket message arrives.

I've been working through this in our implementation. (Decoders is a
different/related/bigger issue.)

More comments inline, but the summary is I think it's best to only allow
one Text handler and one Binary handler, and throw an
IllegalStateException at registration time if more than one of each type
is registered.

> Principles
> Each web socket message is handled by at most one message handler


> Messages that are unhandled result in calls to onError/_at_WebSocketError
> callbacks, so developers can always know if a message does not get handled


> Developer provided decoders are chosen before platform decoders.

Our decoder logic is messed up for bigger reasons, but I want to put
that discussion off to a different thread.

> If a decoder fails, the error is delivered and no more decoders are
> attempted.

Ditto. (decoders messed up).
> MessageHandlers for custom objects (provided a Decoder exists) are
> chosen over the basic MessageHandlers

Ditto. (decoders messed up).
> Process

Comment at end.
> 1. a whole string message arrives
> a) if there is an MessageHandler.AsyncText handler - call it once with
> the whole string and stop, otherwise continue...
> b) if there is an MessageHandler.CharStream handler - call it once
> using the whole string as the source and stop, otherwise continue...
> c) if there is a MessageHandler.DecodedObject<T> where T is not
> String, then try to find a Decoder.Text<T> or a Decoder.TextStream<T>.
> Look, in order, through developer provided ones (single list, may
> contain both Text and TextStream types). Then look through platform
> provided ones. Use the first match to decode it. If the decode
> completes without error, call the MessageHandler and stop, if not,
> call the onError/_at_WebSocket method with the decode exception and stop.
> If there is no suitable Decoder, continue....
> d) if there is a MessageHandler.Text handler handler, call it, using
> the first developer provided Decoder.TextStream<String> or
> Decoder.Text<String>, if any.
> e) If the message is still unhandled, call back on the
> onError/_at_WebSocketError method. We may need a new exception type for
> Unhandledmessages.
> 2) a whole binary message arrives: use analogous process to 1)
> 3) the first piece of a chunked string message arrives.
> a) if there is an MessageHandler.AsyncText handler - call it
> repeatedly until all the message has arrived and stop, otherwise
> continue..
> b) if there is an MessageHandler.CharStream handler - call it with a
> Reader linked to the incoming parts, and stop, otherwise continue..
> c) if there are MessageHandler.Text or MessageHandler.DecodedObject
> handlers, wait for all the string pieces to arrive, building the whole
> message as you go (subject to the buffer limit defined on the
> *Container). If the buffer limit is exceeded call the
> onError/_at_WebSocketError method on the endpoint. Otherwise, using the
> whole message, jump to the analogous steps for 1c), d) and e) to
> process the complete message.
> 4) the first piece of a chunked binary message arrives: use analogous
> process to 3)

Imagine the replacement specification:

1) If a text message comes in (chunked or not), the single text
MessageHandler is used.

2) If a binary message comes in (chunked or not), the single binary
MessageHandler is used.


I don't think there's any practical power lost by this restriction, and
the limitation is far outweighed by the benefit of a simpler definition.

-- Scott

> --
> <> *Danny Coward *
> Java EE
> Oracle Corporation