[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Call precedence of multiple MessageHandlers

From: Danny Coward <>
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2012 16:59:33 -0700

Hi folks,

Another question that has come up as people look at the API and
implement it is the issue of precedence when an endpoint has multiple
MessageHandlers. I wrote up a little proposal that seeks to define how
the container is supposed to select which of potentially numerous of
MessageHandlers to callwhen a web socket message arrives.

Let me know if you have other suggestions,

- Danny


Each web socket message is handled by at most one message handler
Messages that are unhandled result in calls to onError/_at_WebSocketError
callbacks, so developers can always know if a message does not get handled
Developer provided decoders are chosen before platform decoders.
If a decoder fails, the error is delivered and no more decoders are
MessageHandlers for custom objects (provided a Decoder exists) are
chosen over the basic MessageHandlers


1. a whole string message arrives

a) if there is an MessageHandler.AsyncText handler - call it once with
the whole string and stop, otherwise continue...
b) if there is an MessageHandler.CharStream handler - call it once using
the whole string as the source and stop, otherwise continue...
c) if there is a MessageHandler.DecodedObject<T> where T is not String,
then try to find a Decoder.Text<T> or a Decoder.TextStream<T>. Look, in
order, through developer provided ones (single list, may contain both
Text and TextStream types). Then look through platform provided ones.
Use the first match to decode it. If the decode completes without error,
call the MessageHandler and stop, if not, call the onError/_at_WebSocket
method with the decode exception and stop. If there is no suitable
Decoder, continue....
d) if there is a MessageHandler.Text handler handler, call it, using the
first developer provided Decoder.TextStream<String> or
Decoder.Text<String>, if any.
e) If the message is still unhandled, call back on the
onError/_at_WebSocketError method. We may need a new exception type for

2) a whole binary message arrives: use analogous process to 1)

3) the first piece of a chunked string message arrives.

a) if there is an MessageHandler.AsyncText handler - call it repeatedly
until all the message has arrived and stop, otherwise continue..
b) if there is an MessageHandler.CharStream handler - call it with a
Reader linked to the incoming parts, and stop, otherwise continue..
c) if there are MessageHandler.Text or MessageHandler.DecodedObject
handlers, wait for all the string pieces to arrive, building the whole
message as you go (subject to the buffer limit defined on the
*Container). If the buffer limit is exceeded call the
onError/_at_WebSocketError method on the endpoint. Otherwise, using the
whole message, jump to the analogous steps for 1c), d) and e) to process
the complete message.

4) the first piece of a chunked binary message arrives: use analogous
process to 3)
<> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation