[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: High level Requirements and Example scenarios

From: Scott Ferguson <>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 16:49:31 -0700

On 04/22/2012 02:25 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> What is the relationship between this JSR and the various WebSocket
> protocol versions? My initial thoughts are align the API with the
> features available in RFC6455 with implementers free to support
> additional (earlier) versions if they wish. I haven't looked closely
> enough at the various earlier versions to see what features are
> available to determine how feasible this might be.

Those versions were just working draft versions for
prototyping/experimenting. I'd think it would be best for the JSR to
pretend the early drafts didn't exist.

> Given the requirement "Define an API that can be implemented atop any
> Servlet 3.1 container" that may or may not imply that a JSR 356
> implementation in a Java EE Web container will be on top of the
> Servlet 3.1 API. I think it would be good to clarify this one way or
> the other so users know for sure if they can rely (or not) on Servlet
> 3.1 features as part of their WebSocket application. (I have no idea
> how likely this may be or what those features might be - just looking
> for ambiguities and trying to clear them up early). Mark

I'd think trying to keep the bulk of the WebSocket API independent of
Servlets would be a good goal, because a WebSocket connection has two
mostly-symmetrical sides, and a Java WebSocket client would therefore
probably want to use the same WebSocket API after the handshake.

-- Scott